Alameda County Resource Center
Families in the Bay Area can utilize the Alameda County Resource Center to enjoy all the services provided at our Hickman site without making the drive to Hickman. Classes are taught there on a regular basis; all curriculum and other supplies can be checked out and returned; and the center is fully staffed for the convenience of those who reside in Santa Clara and Alameda counties.
Alameda County Resource Center -
1195 Park Avenue, Suite 101, Emeryville, CA 94608
Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9:30-3:30 *Mon. & Wed. by appointment only.
Ph: (510) 595-7105
Fax: (510) 595-7108
Alameda County Resource Center Website
Alameda County Resource Center -
1195 Park Avenue, Suite 101, Emeryville, CA 94608
Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9:30-3:30 *Mon. & Wed. by appointment only.
Ph: (510) 595-7105
Fax: (510) 595-7108
Alameda County Resource Center Website