CAASPP Training and Practice Tests
Click on the green image at the left to enter the practice testing area of the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP). This is the California-specific information for the Smarter Balanced Assessments. You can watch a video with instructions and/or view the instructions given. For Grades 3-8, two different tests are available for each of the two major subject areas included in the testing: SBAC ELA (English Language Arts) and SBAC Math. Additionally, 5th and 8th Grade students will also have the CAST (California Science Test).
Practice Test Scoring Guides The Smarter Balanced Practice Test Scoring Guides provide details about the items, student response types, correct responses, and related scoring considerations for the Smarter Balanced Practice Test items. The items selected for the current Practice Test were chosen from various prior Practice Tests, not the released test questions. These items are designed to reflect • a broad coverage of claims and targets that closely mirror the summative blueprint. • a range of student response types. • a breadth of difficulty level across the items, ranging from easier to more difficult items. • a sample of performance tasks with open-ended response types that allow students to demonstrate knowledge related to critical thinking and application. Click here to access the scoring guide. (This link is also available at the link to the student interface.) Desmos Calculator A calculator is available for certain items on the 6th-8th Grade tests. Click here for an info sheet with links to the calculator so that your student can become familiar with its features. Sample Items In the spring of 2017, the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium released a web page featuring a variety of examples of questions that might be found on the CAASPP tests. (These are not intended as "practice" questions.) Click here to reach the "Sample Items" page of their website. You will also find links to various scoring guides. |